
ARP – Ethics form and presentation files

After tutorials and peers’ feedback, I reworked my ethics form and started the data analysis. Since the questionnaire format was a development of the ongoing work and not actioned yet, there is still possibility to discuss the ethics with the course leaders and tutor.

The presentation attached will be showed and explained orally on 17/01/2024. It follows my rationale coming into this project, the links to the previous unit, the reflections and deviations as I went along and discussed it in tutorials and in person with my peers. Part of it was also discussed with line managers, course leaders and ideas were gathered over the past months to bring the idea to it’s current iteration.

Data analysis: The raw data will not be uploaded as there are sensitive data as names, e-mails and booking data. If I delete the sensitive information I would end up with an empty excel spreadsheet that is of very little use. The data and process of analysis it will be discussed in person during the presentation and Q&A. Part of this project was a learning curve on what to look for in the data and how to interpret it, so there is no way of doing it or one correct analysis to be made. There are many questions and answers within and it will be a valuable data going forward, with the possibility of making the booking patterns and data a tool to planning the space use and courses access in the future.

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