
Hello world!

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3 replies on “Hello world!”

Hey Paula,
I really enjoyed meeting you online on the PgCert course the other day, you have a very exciting post at CSM. Perhaps one day I can come and visit you. I hope you will enjoy the PgCert course.
See you in the New Year,


There is so much here that I really related with, in particular these points I wanted to double click on:

“What is the right thing to say?”

In the group discussions I also find it really tough. You want to be involved but also you don’t want to say the wrong thing, I suppose it’s always good to try and remember to keep in mind the ‘no correct answer’ ethos that keeps getting pushed on us and rightly so. I’m continually surprised at how everything is up for debate and conversation on the course.

I really related to your feeling like the first day of school. But perhaps with even more pressure, feeling the pressure to not feel the pressure as you should know better having done this before and the pressure to remind yourself everyone else feels the same. I suppose it’s good to be reminded how we are never really ready for these things, but maybe it’s about just embracing the anxiety and accepting it’s all part of the course (and everything else). I’m cool with it too! (I think?!)

“What I want to be seen or who I am?”

I thought this was a great question in regard to the initial presentation. I really felt the need to attempt to justify my position on the course whilst simultaneously trying to fight my imposter syndrome. It was so helpful to see you had the same thoughts, meeting people for the first time whilst simultaneously trying to make not just a good impression but a worthy impression as an ‘academic’ was mega stressful.

Also like you say it’s really tough to know “How not be self-centred” on the blogs and throughout. There is so much chat about zooming in on your own experience on this course. It’s like what you highlighted in your summary of the article being reflective through learning is helpful but where is the justified end to self-discovery and beginning of subject specific education. WE WILL NEVER KNOW!

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